Mata Kuliah : Kimia Industri
Kode Mata Kuliah : TIN 4206
Beban Studi : 2 sks
Sifat : W
Prasyarat : -
Praktikum : Tidak Ada
Tugas : Tidak Ada
Tujuan :
Memahami ilmu kimia dasar. Memahami proses kimia industri dan peralatannya. Memahami aliran proses di industri kimia
Pokok Bahasan :
Senyawa kimia, larutan, gas, thermodinamika, kimia organik, Material handling, Size reduction, Storage, Reactor, Crystallization, Heat Treatment, Separation dan Filter, Industri kimia organik dan anorganik
Pustaka :
  1. Ali, M.F et all. Handbook of Industrial Chemistry, Mc Graw Hill. 2005.
  2. Austin, T. George. Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. 1985.
  3. Brady, J.E. General Chemistry: Principle and Structures, 5th ed, John Wiley. 2000.
  4. Chang, Raymond. 2003. General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts, Third edition, Mc Graw Hill Companies. (alih bahasa Martoprawiro, M.A dkk), Edisi ketiga, Erlangga. 2005.
  5. Cook, T.M. and Cullen, D.J., Chemical Plant and Its Operation, Pergamon Press, Oxford, England. 1980.
  6. Speight, J.G., Chemical Process and Design Handbook, McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, USA. 2002.

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