Matakuliah : Sistem Manufaktur
Kode Matakuliah : TIN 4209
Beban Studi : 3 sks
Status : W
Prasyarat : TIN 4204
Praktikum : Tidak ada
Tugas : tidak ada
Tujuan :
Memahami konsep dasar Sistem Produksi dan komponen-komponennya yang terdiri manufacturing equipments, teknologi material handling dan storage, teknologi inspeksi dan sistem pendukung manufaktur.
Pokok Bahasan :
injauan sistem produksi : Manufacturing, Service. Operasi manufaktur, hubungan antar produk/produksi, konsep produksi. Fasilitas Sistem Produksi. Model-model matematika dalam sistem produksi, dan biaya operasi manufaktur. Teknologi material handling dan Storage System. Teknologi inspeksi. Single Station Manufacturing Cells. Group Technology dan Cellular Manufacturing. Manual Assembly Line. Automated Assembly Line. Perencanaan Proses dan Concurrent Engineering. Konsep khusus dalam sistem manufaktur.
Pustaka :
  1. Askin, Ronald G. and Goldberg, Jeffery B.. Design and Analysis of Lean Production Systems, John Wiley dan Sons, New York, 2001.
  2. Askin, Ronald G. and Standridge, Charles R. Modeling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems, John Wiley dan Sons, 1993.
  3. Bedworth, David. et.all,. Integrated Production, Control Systems: Management, Analysis , And Design, John Wiley dan Sons, New York, 2001.
  4. Groover, Michael P. Automation, Production Systems, and Computer Aided Manufacturing, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall Inc., London, 2001.
  5. Kusiak, Andrew. Computational Intellligent in Design and Manufacturing, John Wiley 7 Sons, New York, 2000.
  6. Regh, James A., and Kraebber, Henry W. Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001.

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